In Memoriam Caryl Johnson 1946-2019

Founder and Chief Innovation Officer


This past November the world lost a pioneer in the field of seismology, artificial intelligence, geology, and computational systems design, but we lost a colleague, mentor and friend. As cofounder of our company, Caryl developed, xGraph, our graphical architecture, and laid the groundwork for everything we do. Caryl was a brilliant scientist who had a unique way of taking the most complex problems and building elegant solutions to solve them. She was a visionary who set out to change the world and we intend to do just that.

With a 30-year career in science and science management, Dr. Johnson specialized in solving the challenges inherent in complex systems. At Introspective Systems, she directed the strategic science vision of the company and was the innovator behind xGraph, designed to solve her particular life lessons learned in building complex adaptive systems of systems.

Her early work with the computer automation of regional and global seismic networks established the standard for such systems worldwide, and in its current form serves as a core algorithm (GLASS associator) of global seismic network processing by the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) in Golden, Colorado.

She had over 50 scientific papers in reviewed professional journals and reference books and is the author of a popular book on volcanoes. She also spent 15 years overseeing cutting-edge R&D and systems design in the private sector and at BAE Systems as a Systems Engineering Fellow.

At BAE Systems she provided leadership and scientific direction to management and business area directors related to evolving DOD applications of computational intelligence and virtual systems engineering as applied to robotics, machine vision, sensor fusion, cognitive interface technology, and mission performance optimization.


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